Stingray City on Grand Cayman

Stingray City is a place in the sea where the stingrays gather to greet you…  for lunch!  No, you’re not the one that’s on the menu, these Southern Stingrays aren’t all Hannibal Lecter like that!  Unlike the Tampa Bay Rays, these rays are mostly harmless; however, they do still have a barb on their tail that one needs to be cognizant of when handling these seemingly docile creatures.  Where is this Stingray City where you can swim with and handle so many Southern Stingrays?  -In the North Sound of Grand Cayman island of course.  Everybody and their brother that’s ever been to the Cayman Islands or on any cruise to Grand Cayman, knows about this fun excursion to pet the rays, now you do too…

Next time you see the port of Georgetown, Grand Cayman on your cruise itinerary or you’re on the island for any other reason and want to get up and close with some puppy like sea life, ask a dive operator to take you over to Stingray City and enjoy!  The rays are cute, kind of, at least the front part of them is, not the sharp barb thingy at the base of their tail though.  I’ve heard some stories from Jamaican fishermen that have been stung in the foot by a ray and it’s supposedly no joke!  Lots of pain and irritation involved.  Make sure to do that ‘Stingray Shuffle‘ whenever you’re walking on the bottom of the sea and make sure to check out some of the following videos that were shot with a very inexpensive GoPro that I ordered on Black Friday on Amazon for $89 USD.  ScubaDo’s brand new SeaLife Micro 2.0 that he got for Christmas, puked out on a dive just prior to this one.  -More on that POS later.

The dive operator that we chose to take us on this fantastic one tank dive was DiveTech.  They are our current favorite dive operator on the island.  DiveTech offers all Scubapro rental gear and the staff are all friendly consummate professionals.  An extra big thanks to Marie, Menno, Steve T., Tony, Drew, Glen and Jo!



Living The Dream Divers on Grand Cayman

Do you have a dream to one day drop everything you’re doing at your real-life day job and move to some place tropical?  How will you make money in paradise?  How will you live???  Well, here’s a couple that’s figured out how to do just that.  Gary and Liz Frost, are the owners of Living The Dream Divers.  They moved away to the tropical delight of an island, Grand Cayman and setup a dive company!  It seems like they’re Living The Dream to me!

Some members of our small Salty Dogs team decided to check out Grand Cayman over the holidays and while there, we hooked up with Living The Dream Divers on the west coast of Grand Cayman.  There the water is mostly calm and clear and extremely enticing to any traveler from the cold climates that’s aching to jump in and go diving!  The dives were a lot of fun and we would like to send out a thank you for all the memories, to our friends, Gary, Liz and especially to Scott Hartwell our dive guide, who is an outstanding human being and representative for Living The Dream Divers!  Happy New Year, friends!

Look them up!

Living The Dream Divers, GRAND CAYMAN




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